Posted in 2017

Jupyter in a Docker Container

I have been using Jupyter notebooks in a virtual environment for some time now. I would compile the version of Python that I wanted into a local folder that did not require any special permissions. I would then create a virtual environment for Jupyter and proceed to install what I needed. Once completed I created the requirements file. It was fairly easy to update items. A bit time consuming and not fully automated. This didn’t work well for windows. I have to use conda for that platform.

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Python - Install from Source - Local

This tutorial is about installing the latest versions of python from the source into the users home folder as opposed to a server-wide install. Normally /opt/python/python-3.6.1 would be the best choice for the installation. In this case, installing locally is fine as well.

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Docker - A Cool Option

I decided to upgrade the VPS from Ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04. At the same time, I decided to use Docker containers to compartmentalize the blog. Docker is very cool technology that does for applications what version control has done for code. It allows you to create a container that has all of the dependencies of an application in one immutable container. This means, for me at least, that it is straightforward to upgrade the different pieces.

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